Zilo Art is printed using Canon’s award-winning Arizona VariaDot printing technology producing stunning unmatched visual quality. Our modern wood moulding’s are made from plantation-grown and legally harvested wood sources and not natural forests.

All framed fine art prints come standard with museum grade framing and premium double mat-boarding. We use both tempered and UV-proof acrylic art glass.

All Zilo Art is made in limited edition, meaning once they’re sold out they will never be created again. Each piece is a true collectible.


All of our framed artwork is made in limited editions, and comes numbered on the mat-boarding behind the glass. Every framed print includes a certificate of authenticity with corresponding edition number and signatures of the owners of Zilo Art.


We are proud to offer Free Express Shipping for USA and Canada + Express Worldwide Shipping for all Zilo products. See check out for global shipping rates.

Each one of our fine art prints are made to order and take approximately 5 - 7 days to print, mount, frame and ship.


The below sizes are listed as the;

Frame size / Printed image size / Double mat-boarding width / Art glass.

Small: 16 x 20" / 13 x 17" / 1.5" / Tempered Glass

Medium: 20 x 20" / 17 x 17" / 1.5" / Tempered Glass

Large: 24 x 30" / 21 x 27" / 1.5" / Tempered Glass

Giant: 36 x 36" / 31 x 31" / 2.5" /  UV-Proof Acrylic

Statement: 31 x 44" / 26 x 39" / 2.5" /  UV-Proof Acrylic 

Collector: 36 x 52” / 31 x 47’ / 2.5” / UV-Proof Acrylic